Data Rooms

Securely Invite customers: By using the Data Rooms feature in TrustShare, sales and security teams now have full control over what documents get shared with each customer, by creating a data room for each customer, where specific documents that need to be accessible to that customer can be added.

Share under NDA: To provide internal checks-and-balances to validate that your confidential data is being shared under NDA, a creator of a new customer Data Room is required to attest and provide evidence to the fact that an NDA has been signed with the customer who is being invited into the Data Room.

Manage Data Room Access: Once a Data Room has been created, you can control how long each customer has access to your confidential information, and turn off access at any point.

Built-in Watermarking of Documents: Each document shared via TrustShare can be set to be watermarked on download. The documents will automatically have the email address of the user downloading the document, and a date and time stamp watermarked on every page when downloaded.


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